Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 16 - Hotel Room Yoga

Nothing like doing yoga in a hotel room on a little laptop screen.  I guess I'm spoiled to normally be able to do it at home.  Anyway, the warmer weather here actually made for a more sweaty workout which I appreciated.  The cardio workout is one of the most physically demanding in the program.  Unfortunately, I mistimed things so I had to skip the last few minutes of the program and I certainly have not been keeping up with my meditation.

I suppose that even this update is a way of procrastinating from doing my meditation.

On the flipside, I got some sunshine and just generally had a really good time here catching up with friends, meeting new people, being in a new environment, etc.  Got to eat at the world famous "Tech Company" cafeteria and it was even better than I had heard.  Even got to see my brother for dinner so all in all a great day.

Well I'm looking forward to going home and seeing the wife and kid.  I know it has been a rough week for the Mrs. so I am hoping I can bring back some California sunshine to her day.

So with an elevated mood that is definitely part of the goal - no?  Of course I did have supplements the last couple of days too. :-/

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