Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 2 - Cardio

January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

So how many times have I heard about the fabled cardio benefits of a yoga workout? True, when I was a lard butt in the beginning of 2013 I used to sweat doing yoga, but I also sweat every time I walked up a flight of stairs or had to carry more than 2 beers at a time.  Having completed P90X, Les Mills Combat and other cardio intensive programs I expected this to be one of the lighter programs.  I did P90's plyo workout every Saturday meaning I was hungover every time.  If I can handle that, I can handle anything.  Oh boy am I mistaken.  This sh*t is hard!  Despite my freezing living room (I caulked the windows properly I swear!), I have broken a sweat in no time.  I'm no longer terrified of all the tattoos, which is awesome progress.  I'm also not perving on the Asian girl, though brunette chick in the brown yoga pants on the other hand...hey it's only day two so please cut me some slack!

Every time I think Travis is going to be done with the vinyasa, he tricks me and keeps going, but I am determined not to give up.  A few of my up dogs become cobras and I skip a couple transition pushups, but otherwise I actually manage to hang.  However, my nanny must think I am dying with all my grunts and groans.  She brings the boy to check up on me.  Great - just what I need - my little one to see his old man as some sweaty messed up dude in an awkward compromising posture.

Thank Jachweh he finally reaches the cool down postures.  Wait, what's this, bridges?  Oh man I thought we were done.  Plow...PLOW! My chiropractor told me that the one pose he doesn't do is plow because he knows if he ever goes in, it's all over, he's had it and he's never getting out of it.  I generally feel the same, but I've come this far so I've got to try.

I remember when researching this program I read a review on Amazon with the reviewer beautifully chronicling their journey and mentioning they cried on the last day of the program.  I couldn't help but think what a wuss.  But the darndest thing happened is I shed a few tears during one of the twists.  Day 2? I guess I'm a real wuss.  Must be the hangover...

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