Thursday, January 23, 2014

Days 21 and 22 - Oy

Man - as things get more hectic at work they also get more hectic for me to keep up with this blog, but I am loving the program still and keeping strongly with it.  The only catch is I can't shake the neck crook, which seems to have migrated into upper back pain.  I've tried the foam roller, more stretching, taking anti-inflammatories, resting, etc. but it just keeps on droning at me.  Really frustrating.  I tried to get to a chiropractor today, but couldn't get one to pick up the phone.  It is worst in the mornings, but I think it is progressively getting worse, not better (though the neck is definitely better).

Yesterday's meditation was atrocious and kept me in a foul and aggravated mood all day.  I didn't even make it to the end of my work day before I had to leave.  I know the meditation is supposed to put me at ease, but I think sitting in the cross-legged posture for so long with no back support is one of those things really aggravating my upper back pain. time I do it, I will go through it in a savasana pose and hope that solves the problem.  Luckily I had an amazing evening by seeing my little boy just love the Android app I created for him.  It is such a simple app, but right up that little 19 month old's alley.  So the evening ended on such a high note.

Despite the back pain I actually had very little trouble with my cross-training workout today and was able to go deeper in most poses than I had before including finally being able to bind on both sides!  I consider that a huge milestone as the only time I ever pulled that off before was after about 5 months of daily yoga.  Can't wait to see where I am on day 108.

Didn't have time for Hardcore this morning as I was already going to be about 20 minutes late to work so I tried it this evening, but between the lethargy, hunger for dinner and back pain during the iso holds I couldn't get all the way through it.

Still have to do meditation...yeah about that...

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