We return to the Cross-Training workout. I notice that most of the cast was there all along, including the hotter than Mila Kunis lady and the Otaku/Eurotrash dude who is now wearing a bright orange 80s headband and look's like the guy still trapped in that decade (e.g. my older brother). I swear this guy is a chameleon. We learn his name is Norm. This seems appropriate for an Otaku.
The workout was not as challenging this time. I'd like to think it was because I'm getting that much better, but I know the truth is that it is really really cold in my living room so I'm probably just having trouble working up a sweat. So I don't feel quite as mellow/tranquil at the end, but I still have a wonderful workout and feel really good afterwards.
The hardcore is productive and I get through about 70%.
All this despite waking up with a slight crook in my neck. (Betting it was that damn plow)
Looking forward to another shot at meditation tonight. Really struggling with that, but want to take the challenge.
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